Specialists in Electrochemistry & Materials, Energy & Power

Binder Enviromental Chambers

Every BINDER climate chamber is equipped with top-of-the-range technology made in Germany and makes it possible to precisely simulate biological, chemical, and physical environmental conditions. The wide range of products from this leading specialist addresses demanding requirements in science and industry. It comprises temperature and climate chamber models, material testing and drying chambers, as well as environmental simulation chambers!

  • CO2 incubators: for cell growth
  • Microbiological incubators
  • Standard Incubators: reliable incubation with natural or forced convection
  • Cooling Incubators: powerful yet gentle on samples with low energy consumption
  • Growth chambers: natural growth conditions for plants and organisms
  • Ultra Low Temperature Freezers
  • Drying and Heating
  • Constant climate chambers
  • Walk-in-chambers

Binder Environmental Chambers