Potentiostats + EIS
From the dongle – sized Sensit Smart for sensor research to 300A potentiostats for renewable energy Alvatek has probably the broadest range of potentiostats available. Please take a look, and if you don’t see what you need, don’t hesitate to contact us by email, chat or phone.
Single Channel Potentiostats

Ivium HE80 - 80A Potentiostat
- Maximum current 0 to +80A
- Voltage +0.5V to +20V
- EIS/FRA 10µHz to 10kHz

Emstat4 Series
- Maximum current ±100mA
- ±3V and ±6V scan range models
- EIS/FRA to 200kHz
- Optional Bipotentiostat
- Optional BlueTooth and Battery

- IviumStat2.h scan range: ±5A/±10V
- IviumStat.XRe scan range: ±2A/±50V
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 8MHz
- Optional Bipotentiostat
- Optional True Linear Scan
- 24 Bit measured current resolution

PalmSens4 Range
- Maximum current ±30mA (typical)
- 5V and 10V scan range models
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 1MHz
- Optional Bipotentiostat

- CompactStat.h: ±10V/±30mA
- CompactStat.h10800: ±10V/±800mA
- CompactStat.h20250: ±20V/±250mA
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 3MHz
- CompactStat.h10030: ±100V/±30mA
- 24 Bit measured current resolution

Vertex Range
- Available in several current/voltage configurations
- Current ranges: 100pA to 10A
- Optional EIS/FRA:10µHz - 1MHz
- Optional True Linear Scan generator

- Compliance ±100mA /±21V
- Current Ranges ±100pA to ±100mA
- Optional EIS/FRA 10µHz - 250kHz
- Optional True LInear Scan

- Handheld potentiostat
- Compliance ±30mA /±10V
- Current Ranges ±100pA to ±100mA
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 1MHz.
- Optional Battery & BlueTooth

Sensit Smart
- The smallest potentiostat available
- Current Ranges ±100nA to ±5mA
- Potential Range -1.7V to +2V
- EIS/FRA 16mHz - 200kHz.

PalmSens Sensit BT
- Wireless / BlueTooth connectivity
- Current Ranges ±500mA to ±5mA
- Potential range: -1.7V to +2V
- EIS/FRA 16mHz - 200kHz.

- Compliance ±350mA /±13V
- Current Ranges ±100pA to ±100mA
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 1MHz
- Optional Bipotentiostat
- Optional True Linear Scan

Ivium XP High Power
- XP40 (±40A/±10V), XP20 (±20A/±20V), and XP10 (±10A/±40V)
- Applied voltage range:±10V
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 500kHz
- Integrated current interrupt
- Direct K-type thermocouple input connector

Ivium Modules and Boosters
- Use with selected Ivium Potentiostats
- Boosters to 100V and 500A
- WIreless comms modules
- Peripheral Interacing modules
- Modules to add Functionalilty
- LIght modules
Multi-Channel Potentiostat Solutions

OctoStat Multichannel
- 8-channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA
- Stackable to128 channels
- Independent FRA/EIS per channel
- Runs without pc controller
- No data loss on pc disconnect

Ivium-n-Stat Modular Range
- To 8 modules/16 channels per frame (stackable up to 64 channels)
- Mix and match modules for maximum versatility
- Independent FRA/EIS per channel
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA

IVICycle Battery Cycler Range
- Multi-channel battery test system
- Selectable modules from 30mA to 3A
- Optional FRA/EIS: 10µHz-20kHz on each channel for simultaneous testing
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA

- Maximum current ±30mA (typical)
- 5V and 10V scan range models
- EIS/FRA 10µHz - 8MHz
- Optional Bipotentiostat

- Multi-channel battery test system
- Selectable modules from 30mA to 3A
- Optional FRA/EIS: 10µHz-20kHz on each channel for simultaneous testing
- Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA

Ivium HiMUX and uMux Multiplexers
- 8 independent switching channels
- Stackable to 64 channels
- Optional electrometer-per-channel for seamless switching
- 5-electrode switching per channel
- Requires a compatible Ivium potentiostat

PalmSens EmStat MUX8-R2
- 8-way multiplexer
- stack up to 128 cells
- 4 different electrode or sensor configurations
- Maximum current 70mA

PalmSens MUX16
- 16-way multiplexer
- Switches up to 16 working electrodes ((CE and WE not switched)
- 3 different electrode or sensor configurations

- Controls up to 32 WE's simultaneously vs 1CE and 1RE
- Designed for low current applications
- Stackable to 256 WEsl
- Requires a compatible Ivium potentiostat

- 64 independent switching channels
- Relay switching
- Compliance ±5A and ±50V
- 5-electrode switching per channel
- Requires a compatible Ivium potentiostat