Specialists in Electrochemistry & Materials, Energy & Power


The HiMUX is an 8 channel multiplexer providing 8 independent channels, each with 5 electrodes and for use with compatible Ivium potentiostats.  Up to 8 units can be linked together to up to 64 channels.  Two models are available: the uMUX is a standard relay multiplexer: HiMUX.XR includes active circuity to minimise transients due to switching between the cells.

Each channel has its own electrometer and no switches are connected to RE&S, which also incorporate driven shields. This low noise, high frequency design assures high quality measurements with no switching currents or long stabilization times required.

  • 8 independent channel multiplexer
  • WE, CE, RE, S, WE2, GND per channel
  • Expandable to 64 channels
  • Each channel has its own electrometer
  • Driven shields on RE and S
  • Low Noise
  • No switching transients
  • 1000Gohm // < 8F
  • 16MHz bandwidth

This multiplexer uses relay switching and is suitable for most applications.

8 independent channel multiplexer: WE, CE, RE, S, WE2, GND per channel